SSD-C108 - Sports Images - Set 1

Almost 1" - 3 1/2” w x 1” - 3 5/8” h -
15 - 50 stitches w x 14 - 52 stitches h

Model stitched by Lorraine Flynn.
T-shirt stitched by Susan Saltzgiver.

This is a series of cross-stitch sports images.  They
may be used with waste canvas to enhance any item
that can be stitched (t-shirts, sweat shirts, jackets,
sports bags, team uniforms, any apparel or item on
which stitching is possible).

Sports shown are basketball, shot putt, discus, golf,
tennis, roller blading, javelin, and skate boarding.

Materials to be usedl:  
14 count waste canvas  (or size of choice)
DMC embroidery floss
Items to be embellished

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Susan Saltzgiver Designs - Mushrooms and Moles
Copyright 2008/2011/2019 Susan Saltzgiver Designs