SSD-C122 - Graduation Dreams

8 1/4” w by 11 1/8” h - 115 stitches w by 156
stitches h

This cross-stitch design is a graduation
announcement.  It expresses the dreams of many
graduates as they reach the milestone of
graduation.  The stitchery is enhanced and
personalized by using the graduate’s own school
colors for their name, school initials, year, and
borders to make the stitchery unique and
truly an individualized memory.  

Model stitched by Beth Allan.

Materials used for model:  
28 count Linen “Forest Mist” (76-152) from Wichelt
Imports Inc.
DMC Embroidery floss
Frame:  10 1/4” x 12 7/8”*, PRL-RD (Primitive
Pearls-Red) - *size varies by fabric used – East
Side Mouldings 1-800-840-6077

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