SSD-C112 - Arts Images

Almost 1 1/2”- 4 1/2” w by 1 3/4” - 3 5/8” h -
21 - 63 stitches w by 25 - 51 stitches h

Model stitched by Lorraine Flynn.  
T-shirt stitched by Susan Saltzgiver.

This is a series of cross-stitch arts images.  They may
be used with waste canvas to enhance any item that
can be stitched (t-shirts, sweat shirts, jackets, supply
bags, any apparel or item on which stitching is

Arts Images shown are painting, happy / sad masks for
acting, drawing, music - can be vocal or instrumental,
conducting music, dance, and magic.

Materials needed:
14 count waste canvas (or size of choice)
DMC embroidery floss
Items to be embellished

Download links (below) to order:
Susan Saltzgiver Designs - Mushrooms and Moles
Copyright 2008/2011/2019  Susan Saltzgiver Designs